As the mercury soars our need to up our fluid intake obviously increases.  Pure water, free from chemicals and pesticides, is the healthiest means of hydrating our bodies.  Unfortunately most of us do not get enough of, or realise how miraculous pure water really is.  And we should. Why? Because, according to Dr....

The festive season is upon us, and over the Christmas period I, like many of you, tend to completely overindulge. With friends and family visiting, and celebrations galore, comes an excessive amount of champagne and all the nibblies that go with it. Each time I whinge about feeling bloated or heavy, I remind myself...

With summer looming here in Australia, it’s time to get your tootsie primed for open toed shoes. Our skin can get dehydrated and dry during the cooler months, so I’ve put together some of my favourite DIY home made recipes to get that luscious skin back. Free from all the nasty chemicals, these treatments will make...

I absolutely love surrounding myself with like-minded people – people who are looking to better themselves and are eager to contribute to the success of others rather than detracting from it. There’s something really powerful about a group of people with enthusiasm for life coming together. It’s here, with a positive...

We are all basically little energy units and every day we interact with numerous other little energy units.  Some make us feel good; some have little effect on us whilst others really drag us down and drain us of energy. It’s just not other people that affect our energy.  Shock, trauma, power lines, lay lines,...

I’ve spoken to so many Mums lately that have expressed to me the feeling of losing their sense of self. More often than not they articulate this with an overwhelming feeling of accompanying guilt, almost as though they are guilty for feeling like they still deserve to have a sense of self. Being a parent is of course...

Fear, doubt and procrastination are all the leaders in dream stealing! What is it within us that causes us to become so much more attached to our fears and doubts, than our hopes and desires? We often find ourselves in a position where we start to commit to a goal and the minute we do, who pops up to visit us but...

September is my favourite time of year – Footy Finals time! I am a bit of an AFL nut (Australian Rules Football for those on the other side of the world). I just love it. My Mum and I quite happily sit on the couch and scream at the television all throughout the footy season and by the time finals roll around, we are...

As mild as our winter is here in sunny Queensland it is still nice to have a break from the crisp mornings and nights and follow the sun to some exotic destination.  With friends heading north to paradises like Bali, the Greek Islands and other glorious locations I began to reflect on the memorable holidays I’ve had...

I was listening to a Foundr podcast a while back and Nathan Chan was talking about becoming your own number one fan. This can be a challenging concept because people, generally speaking, are so damn self-critical. As an entrepreneur, or a professional working your way up the corporate ladder, it’s so important to have...