Beauty Treatments Without the Nasties Something a little different this week for all you beautiful people looking to become the healthiest version of yourselves. As I’ve said in the past, wellness is about so much more than eating healthily and exercising. What we put onto our skin is equally as important as what we...

Well this past week has been an absolute whirlwind. I started out with the best intentions with a strategic plan in place to nail every task I set for myself. Somehow I got through it all but I feel completely wrung out. The one thing I neglected to allocate time for was ME. Time to be still, centred and simply...

The purpose of this beautiful meditation is to draw the negativity from our body that causes stress and to balance the body’s energy using a quartz crystal. Crystals are believed to absorb negative energy and therefore must be cleaned regularly.  Some suggest cleansing in sea water, leaving overnight in moonlight or...

We all look forward to the weekends, even when we love what we do. Weekends are meant for relaxation, fun and freedom. But, if you are waking up on a Monday morning and wishing the week away it’s time to change your situation. I’ve been there, when the sense of dread kicks in on a Sunday night. For me this even lead to...

As mentioned in my ‘what is wellness to you’ post, wellness means more than just nourishing your body with good food, but the fact remains, you are what you eat. What you choose to put into your body today will influence your future health and wellbeing. Many of us have been spring cleaning our homes post-winter and...

When our best intentions and dreams constantly fail to manifest we have to accept the fact that we unknowingly have placed limits on ourselves. As mentioned in the Mindful Goals post we tend to self-sabotage if we don’t have a healthy dose of self worth.  Dr. Martin Hart and Skye Alexander (The best Meditations on the...

On the back of last week’s blog post, I felt it was time reflect and re-focus. After coming off a massive high from achieving one of my lifelong dreams I started to feel a little bit flat and directionless. What was next? As I said a few weeks ago, travelling to Europe was one of the first goals I ever set with our...

It’s been two weeks since my trip of a life time and I am well and truly back to reality, but the month I spent in Europe was everything that I had imagined and much more. A few weeks ago I posted a blog about going out and getting what you want. I have always been a huge advocate of setting grand goals and chasing...

Work related stress and tension is hard to avoid particularly body tension if you sit at a computer most of the day.  Sitting at a computer for extended periods is unnatural for the body and our bodies let us know. Standing, moving around and stretching at every given opportunity is helpful but barely cuts the...

This week we are delving a little deeper in to the ways in which you can create your life by Choice not by Chance. A few weeks ago we discussed the importance of identifying your goals. If you have not yet read this post I encourage you to do so because here we will be discussing the next steps to take in your goal...