I’ve come to realise that the quality time spent with those you care about is more important that the quantity of time. Likewise, the quality of the people you choose to have in your life is so much more important than the number. There are plenty of people that come into our lives for a day, a month, 12 months or 12...

Wellness to me means more than just being healthy. It means more than nourishing my body with good food and exercising regularly. Obviously this is essential but to me wellness means ensuring that all the things of value in my life are working in harmony so that I can be the best me that I can be. One of the...

Flower essences are truly nature’s little wonders.  I discovered them quite early in life.  Holly was introduced to Bach’s Rescue Remedy shortly after being born. For those of you unfamiliar with flower essences they have been used by many cultures long before the modern pioneer Bach (1886-1936) reintroduced them. ...

Most of us are great at making excuses, whether it be lack of time, finances, knowledge or the fear that there is too much risk attached to going out and getting what we want. All these excuses are just getting in the way of you following your dreams and reaching your potential. We whinge and complain that things...

We have dreams and desires because we want to improve our lives. Goal planning is a fabulous way to bring the focus and purpose needed to bring about the changes necessary to enhance our future. If we want to change our lives for the better then we too must change, so, implementing personal empowerment and self growth...

Years ago I couldn’t get many coconut products in Australia and the coconuts in the supermarkets were old and certainly nothing like the delicious ones that I grew up with in Lae, Papua New Guinea. I had mango and coconut trees in my backyard so eating coconuts and drinking coconut water/milk was part of my family’s...

Are you inspired, motivated and excited about your life? Have you done anything lately to create a better life for yourself, or, are you tiptoeing through life hoping to make it safely to death? You don’t have to continue that way, you can take life and steer it in the direction that YOU want rather than just allowing...

One of the main reasons many people are attracted to meditation techniques is to combat stress. Stress distorts our reasoning, causes us to overindulge in alcohol, stimulants and depressants, lowers our immunity, causes sleeplessness and damages relationships.  It’s virtually impossible to feel happy when we are...

I had a routine meltdown…. Ok so after my diatribe about the importance of routine a couple of weeks ago, I had a routine meltdown. Whilst I wholeheartedly believe in the benefits of a well structured routine being used as mechanism to keep you disciplined, accountable and on track, it was remiss of me to omit the...

Meditation is not confined to the traditional method of shutting off the outside world. We can apply the principle of meditation – focused and extended concentration – to our daily lives.  So if you are having difficulty finding the time or the inclination to meditate in the traditional sense, the following method may...