By Carolyn Jayne
Posted: Updated:

It’s spring and I love it!  I even welcome the slight cold like symptoms I get at the change of season because I know my body’s doing its annual spring detox.  Other strange things happen to me too.  I get inspired to do a little house spring cleaning and even discarding, both of with are very out of character.  There must be something mighty special about spring if it can get a pathological clothes hoarder and housework hater like me to bite the bullet and cull, scrub and clean.

Spring is synonymous with growth, germination and new beginnings. We generally become more optimistic and more proactive.  It’s a time to take the initiative whilst our energy is high and start doing that something or other we’ve wanted to do but haven’t got around to yet.  It certainly is an opportune time to dream, make wishes, define goals and sow the seeds of our intent in our minds.

The mental seeds we plant must be strong and their intent must be clear and well defined. In order for us to exude expectancy we must believe the goal to be achievable. As you’ve probably discovered the manifesting process is not as easy as it sounds and that is why I recommend seeing a Goal Planner like Mardy Penrose.  A good Goal Planner like Mardy can be of enormous assistance in helping you through the process, eliminating a lot of pitfalls and keeping you on track.

It’s a good idea to do some mental spring cleaning and weeding to help prepare the mind before embarking on a goal planning session. Our belief system really does play a huge part in determining how successful we are in manifesting our goals and dreams and so this is where we should start.  Take some time each day to quietly contemplate what beliefs you may have that constantly hold you back.  For example, ask yourself questions such as, if you achieved your dream, how would you feel? Note any unwanted emotional charge you feel throughout the process. During the day try and stay mindful of any thoughts that trigger an uncomfortable emotional reaction.  You may discover a common thread that needs addressing.

For our dreams to flourish and manifest we need to discard that which no longer serves us and replenish our belief system with positivity and expectation.  We have the ability to change our minds, beliefs and thoughts and to take away the power the unwanted has upon us.

Spring is the time of new creation.  Take this opportunity to discard the old and usher in a new more positive and powerful you.

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