By Mardy Penrose
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You have clearly identified your goals, specifically written them down, given them a soft deadline and you are following all the basic rules I have outlined in previous blogs – right? BUT without the MAIN ingredient, which so very many people neglect, you are still one step from greatness. That key ingredient is to have faith!

Napoleon Hill said in “Think and Grow Rich” (over 7 million copies sold):

“Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE it can achieve”

The main ingredient here is the belief.

Take a look at your goals, revisit them and ask yourself – “Have I added the main ingredient?”

Having faith in your goal is the quickest way to attain it.

Some goals take longer than others to achieve and sometimes we can get discouraged but it’s the faith that will carry you through, when the little sabotaging voices in your head say “What? You can’t do this!  You’re expecting too much! Who do you think you are? You’re not worthy! You’ll never have time!” Or a myriad of other things these pesky little voices tell us.

Back yourself! Own your goals! Commit to them!

Create powerful habits around your goals. Eg. Manage your time effectively! Do some 10 minute visualisations. Close your eyes and imagine your life once you have manifested your goal. Feel it and act as though you already have it. Go for it, no excuses, you are worth it, each and every one of us is worthy of our goals. We can do it! So what excuses are you using?  Oh I’m time poor! I am not good enough! I get too tired! I can’t afford! I’m too short, tall, fat or skinny! Excuses be gone! Fire up and take a look at your life.

Create your vision board – take photos, see your goals, be involved and committed, act as if you already have your goal, get inspired to be the best you can be and to leave your comfort zone. Above all HAVE FAITH and take that one step to greatness.

I work with so many amazing people and I delight in watching my clients achieve their goals and fulfil their potential. If you’re ready to set some of your own goals, commit to them and take that next step shoot me an email.

You can email me at or contact me on

MOB: +61406528787




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