By Mardy Penrose
Posted: Updated:

Everyone seems to be buzzing about 2016 being a wonderful new year. It’s so great to hear people sending out positive messages and in line with this, I believe it’s the perfect time to begin creating some powerful new habits.

What habits will you be taking with you to 2016? Will it be old comfortable habits, like smoking or excessive drinking? Or will it be procrastination and leaving things unfinished? If there’s any time to kick the habits that aren’t serving you and adding value to your life it’s now, in the midst of all these energetic, positive new year vibes.

It’s time to replace the toxic behaviours and rituals that we come to rely on with some awesome new ones that’ll help you to become the best you that you can be.

Discover just how much more exciting, easy and healthy your life can be with some simple planning. Here is a list and great examples of some typical habits and behaviours embraced by successful people versus those habits that tend to be synonymous with those not fulfilling their dreams or potential:


Successful People Unsuccessful People
Embrace Change Fear Change
Manage their money Mismanage money
Talk about Ideas Talk about people (gossip)
Follow diet / exercise regime Don’t seem to bother
Attached to their dreams/ goals Attached to their fears
Create clear and concise goals Drift through life
Take daily action to achieve goals Wait for a miracle
Take educated risks Sit in comfort zone
Rise early Pull the covers over their heads
Attend to personal development Think they know it all


So here is the idea. Successful people align themselves with other successful people and you will often find that unsuccessful people are drawn to other unsuccessful people. Why is this?

Successful people like to stay in alignment with their goals and dreams and don’t hang around negative people for too long. They discipline themselves and design their lives by choice not chance.

Unsuccessful people often enjoy sitting in a ‘comfort zone’ where they are not challenged because their fears far outweigh their commitment to their dreams and they enjoy being in the same company of other drifters, so that nothing is ever expected of them.

Whether you’re currently successful or not, or have great habits or miserable ones, you can always set a new benchmark for yourself. It all starts with a mindset, a decision to break out of your comfort zone and ease into a great new challenge zone. I want you to ask yourself, which zone are you sitting in right now?

Here’s the Challenge

List Below just 5 habits you are leaving behind and 5 that you will create in order to take your life to a new level:

Eg. Unsuccessful Habits:            Leaving Procrastination behind!






Successful Habits:            Manage my money







Dream big everyone and be sure to be grateful to the universe for all that you have received and will receive in the future

My Tip for the New Year to start today: Write down 3 things you are grateful for everyday in a small journal and be vigilant.

A) You will be amazed at the blessings you receive by doing this

B) You are creating a beautiful new habit

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