This week we are delving a little deeper in to the ways in which you can create your life by Choice not by Chance.
A few weeks ago we discussed the importance of identifying your goals. If you have not yet read this post I encourage you to do so because here we will be discussing the next steps to take in your goal planning journey.
I am assuming you have all written down at least 20 goals now in your journal book.
In our last chat I asked you to think about WHY you would like these goals.
So what is your WHY?
Your WHY is a major force driving you. It keeps us committed and focused on our goals and dreams.
Our WHY, or the reason that we want to achieve our goals, is usually the fantastic feeling that we anticipate we will get upon achievement of the goals in question. It may be that you have a goal to buy your first home for example, so the WHY might be because of the feeling of security and happiness.
It may be that you are aiming to buy a brand new shiny silver BMW and the WHY might be because it will make you feel like you are moving forward with your life which gives you an awesome feeling of success.
Or maybe your goal is to have another baby? Or is it that payrise? Or an investment home? Maybe your goal is simply to be a better person and to be tolerant and actively working on helping yourself with some personal development. Whatever your goal, think about the feeling that it will create upon it’s achievement and let that be your driving force to keep you on track.
Ok so you get the idea!
Now you have identified 20 goals. You have written them all down and you know WHY you want them. Let’s move on to how we go about setting a Goal.
Here are some key things to consider:
1) Your goals must be both written and spoken about in the present tense as if your goal is already achieved
2) They must be very specific
3) You need to give these goals a soft deadline, as in, a flexible timeline for them to be achieved
4) You need to take ownership of the goal
5) Commit to it and to yourself
6) Desire it – a desired goal is more powerful than a need goal
7) Like any seed you need to plant the goal in good soil, water it, weed it, give it a gestation period. Think of the good soil as approaching it with a clear and open mind, water it with positive thoughts, weed it of negative thoughts and don’t be impatient – give it time to develop and grow
8) Give it your regular attention and focus – carry it on a palm card or set little reminders in your phone if you like
9) Affirm it daily
10) Take daily Action to achieve of your Goal. Ask yourself “what little or big action can I take today to achieve my goals. It might be as simple as opening up a new bank account, or combining your different 3 or 4 Superannuation accounts…but you must do something. We’ll elaborate on this in the weeks ahead.
I will be expanding on each of these points in my next few posts but until then I would really like you to take the time and invest some energy into a very powerful little exercise.
Write at least a one page story on your life as it is looking now and how you FEEL about your life now.
Then write at least a page or more on how you would FEEL once you have achieved your goals. Bring in the feelings of how you feel now and bring in the amazing feeling after your achievements.
Please leave a comment with any questions you may have, I’m sure you have plenty.
I would also love to hear your feedback and your feelings about your before and after stories, and bear in mind, they won’t be published unless you tell me that it’s ok to do so. Please feel free to send me an email directly at
I’m looking forward to exploring the next steps with you, but until then, dream big!
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